Bodycount Hardcover Rare SDCC HC Ltd to 500 w/ Original TMNT art Simon Bisley

Bodycount Hardcover Rare SDCC HC Ltd to 500 w/ Original TMNT art Simon Bisley

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Item specifics:
Publisher: Heavy Metal
Publication Date: 2008
Product Type: Hardcover
Product Condition: Very Fine + (Please See Scans)
ISBN-10: 0981489508

ISBN-13: 9780981489506

Bodycount Hardcover Rare SDCC HC Ltd to 500 w/ Original TMNT art Simon Bisley

Original price was: $1,999.00.Current price is: $1,599.20.

or four interest-free payments with Klarna.

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Item specifics:
Publisher: Heavy Metal
Publication Date: 2008
Product Type: Hardcover
Product Condition: Very Fine + (Please See Scans)
ISBN-10: 0981489508

ISBN-13: 9780981489506

Item specifics:
Publisher: Heavy Metal
Publication Date: 2008
Product Type: Hardcover
Product Condition: Very Fine + (Please See Scans)
ISBN-10: 0981489508

ISBN-13: 9780981489506

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles – Bodycount                       Signed & Limited to 500 Hardcover
Writer: Kevin Eastman
Penciller: Simon Bisley & Kevin Eastman
Inker: Simon Bisley
Colorists: A. Craig Farley – ‘A.C. Farley, Altered Earth Arts’ & Steve Lavigne
Letterer: Steve Lavigne
Cover by: Simon Bisley

Casey Jones and Raphael find themselves assisting an assassin on the run from her former employer, who has sent men, Johnny Woo Woo and his boys, to kill her. Casey Jones and Raphael find themselves getting caught up in a two-fisted, 200-gun battle helping the assassin, Midnight as she tries to leave her crime family. Eventually, Midnight, Casey and Raphael get into a deadly car chase with Johnny Woo Woo and his boys. Midnight, Casey and Raphael flee the Club Dead just as Johnny Woo Woo destroys it (causing the club owner to swear vengeance). Our heroes seek refuge with well-armed friends in an old church – but it’s not long before Johnny Woo Woo and his thugs come a-knockin’ and a-shootin’. Johnny Woo Woo and Midnight face-off in mortal combat… only one lives to tell the tale.

This rare hardcover reprinting Bodycount (1996) Issues #1-4, and Casey Jones & Raphael (1994) #1 introduces a darker side to the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Simon Bisley, a master at presenting characters in a overly violent and overly sexualized style, gives his touch to the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. As always, Bisley’s art is impressive and over the top. The story is considered a classic, worthy of any Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles afficiando. This darker rendition of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is a far departure the “cowabunga” Ninja Turtles that the mainstream has enjoyed in TV, Movies and comics. Violent, bloody and gory, you’ll never think of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles in the same way. Of interesting note, it has been said that this Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles story by co-creator Kevin Eastman was his last main Ninja Turtle work before he signed over all the rights to collaborator Peter Laird.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Bodycount Limited Hardcover reprints/collects:
Bodycount (1996) #1-4
Writer: Kevin Eastman
Artist: Simon Bisley
Colorist: Steve Lavigne
Letterer: Steve Lavigne
Cover by: Simon Bisley

First in issue #1, The story begins with Casey Jones involved in a knock-down, drag out, no holds barred fist fight inside a building where a card game has erupted in violence. Outside, Midnight runs along a darkened sidewalk, apparently trying to escape someone. Casey is thrown out of a window and lands on Midnight, who reacts by kicking his butt. The gigantic bald man Casey was fighting comes out to get him, and Casey tackles him back inside, where their fight continues. Suddenly a car screeches around the corner and the occupants begins firing at Midnight. She leaps away and hides as she watches men exit the car and draw weapons. The story shifts into a flashback to Hong Kong, where Midnight was a driver for a gang led by Johnny Woo Woo. Casey Jones and Raphael get caught up in a two-fisted, 200-gun battle when a woman tries to leave her crime family.

Next in issue #2, Hiding out on a pier, Midnight explains her situation to Casey Jones and Raphael and that they must help her reach “sanctuary”. Raph is reluctant, but Casey just can’t say no to a nice big pair of… eyes. After picking up some old Halloween costumes for disguise, they head over to a locker in Grand Central Station where Midnight has stashed some “supplies”. Johnny and his gang arrive and begin shooting up the joint. Midnight returns fire with her “supplies”, though Casey refuses to take a gun. Raph, meanwhile, grabs a grenade, stuffs it in a hotdog cart and sends it rolling toward the mobsters. The explosion gives them time to steal a Jeep and make their getaway. At JFK Airport, Detective Choy arrives and demands to speak to the Mayor about Johnny Woo Woo. Over at a gas station, Raph continues to tell Casey he doesn’t trust Midnight, while Midnight feels regret for dragging the two boys into her mess. Then, surprise surprise, Johnny attacks! Again. As they escape in their Jeep, Midnight blows up the gas pump, killing most of Johnny’s henchmen. Johnny pursues in his car, but a few shots from Raph (who finds he can use a gun by breaking off the finger guards) and some well-placed grenades sends Johnny’s car flying off an overpass and onto a truck. Casey, Midnight and Raph then head for Pittsburgh. Back in New York, Detective Choy learns from the Police Chief about the gas station explosion. Reports had Johnny stealing a truck and heading towards Midnight location. Choy hooks up with Agent Bodē of the FBI and gives chase. Driving, Johnny recalls his meeting with mob boss Dong after the botched hit on Shakkur. Apparently, Dong’s son was amongst the mobsters killed when Midnight abandoned the getaway car and the police attacked. Dong believes Midnight to have been in cahoots with the law. Johnny doesn’t want to believe that Midnight set him up but takes the hit anyway. In either Pittsburgh or Philadelphia, Midnight leads Casey and Raph to “Club Dead” for a meeting with her old friend, Courtney. Court understands Midnight’s situation and wishes to help her reach “sanctuary” but thinks that relocating his men before Johnny Woo Woo arrives would be a good call, first. However, before he does so Johnny Woo Woo arrives and shoots everybody. Again. Midnight, Casey and Raph hear the noise, though Court’s men are certain that Johnny won’t be able to survive their barrage of bullets. Johnny not only survives but hurls a hand grenade while he’s at it.

Next in issue #3, As Johnny works his way through Club Dead, Court leads Midnight, Casey Jones and Raphael to the roof for their escape. Raph offers to cover their rear, grabbing a machinegun and losing himself in the thrill of blowing enemies away with red hot lead. With Johnny Woo ducking for cover, Raph leaps down to the ground and escapes with Court and the rest. Johnny is pissed and, after shooting down a police chopper, decides to wait for his prey at the “sanctuary”. Detective Choy then arrives at the burning ruins of Club Dead. Horrified at Johnny’s handiwork, Choy decides to set up a stakeout at the “sanctuary” for him. In a diner at Pittsburgh’s Lower East Side, Court comes to the conclusion that none of his goons survived since no one else has shown up at the meeting place. Leaving, Court agrees to take Midnight to see the mysterious Martin at the “sanctuary”. In Hong Kong, mob boss Dong has a plot to finally solidify his power over the global underworld and he need only double-cross Johnny Woo Woo to do it. Dong then dispatches a unit of his men to the “sanctuary”. At Pittsburgh’s South Side, Court pulls into an abandoned church. Ushering Midnight, Casey and Raph in through a secret door, they’re met by a nutty spiritual leader named Martin who has foreseen Midnight’s coming and her great role in events that are about to unfold. He then encourages them to arm themselves with what provisions the sanctuary has to offer. Midnight and Raph load up with guns, while Casey finds himself some hockey sticks and a star-spangled hockey mask. Johnny and his gang finally arrive and drive their van straight through the front door. Detective Choy decides to hold off on sending his men in, as he spots Dong’s Hong Kong crew storming the church. As Johnny shoots through Martin’s thugs, he’s suddenly surrounded by Dong’s troopers. Johnny’s confused, and even more so when Raph (guns a-blazing) comes dropping down through a skylight with Casey (in full-on vigilante mode) in tow.

Finally in issue #4, “I feel like I’m in some bad movie” At the “sanctuary”, Raphael and Casey Jones are stuck in the middle of a three-way gunfight between Johnny’s men, Martin’s men and Dong’s men. The thrill of letting go with machinegun fire has completely overtaken Raph’s senses and he leaves himself open to a shot from Johnny. Casey nails Johnny in the arm with a golf club, sparing Raph, but in retaliation, Johnny shoots Casey through the heart. As the firefight moves away, Raph rushes to Casey’s unconscious body. Outside, Agent Bode’ of the FBI threatens to take command of Detective Choy’s men if he doesn’t intervene soon. Choy has his hulking brute sidekick, Hector, lay Bode’ out with a punch (snapping Bode’s neck). Choy plans to let all three sides wipe each other out so that all he need do is clean up the mess. As Johnny makes his way to Martin’s throne room, he’s met by Midnight. Midnight tries to reason with him and explain the situation. Dong had masterminded the entire scenario in an attempt to consolidate all underworld power under his and Martin’s rule. Dong was afraid Johnny was getting too good and teamed with Detective Choy to tip-off the raid at Shakkur’s. He then fingered Midnight as the snitch and hired Johnny to kill her, knowing that the chase would lead back to the “sanctuary” where an ambush would be waiting. Martin backs Midnight’s story up, though he reveals that his part in the plan didn’t go off as intended. He wanted the “sanctuary” to be an arena where only those involved in mob matters had to fight and die, thus eliminating the deaths of innocent bystanders in gang hits. Johnny isn’t having any of it and, throwing down his guns, agrees to fight Midnight in a sword duel in the arena. The two go at it and Midnight proves victorious, stabbing Johnny through the stomach. Johnny tells his sister he loves her and dies in her arms. Midnight returns the sentiment to her departed brother. In another room, Casey comes to. The bullet from Johnny apparently embedded in his lucky Wayne Gretsky hockey puck! Martin orders his men to shoot them both, but Raph gives an impromptu speech about the beauty and the ugliness of guns, and the speech moves Martin to call his men off. Suddenly, an alarm on Martin’s watch goes off, reminding him that the “sanctuary” is about to explode. Everyone escapes as the church detonates right in Choy’s face. Johnny’s smoking cybernetic limb lands in Choy’s lap and the detective realizes he’s screwed the whole operation up. Outside the smoking ruins of the “sanctuary”, Casey and Midnight smooch (as Raph gags) and then agree that they aren’t right for each other, parting ways. Back in Hong Kong, Dong is sure his plan has gone off without a hitch; that is until he receives a package from Choy containing Johnny’s limb and an apology note. Dong is not pleased. Two days later, Casey and Raph decide it’s time to head back to New York as they buy some hot dogs from two familiar guys (Choy and Hector, who are in hiding from Dong’s men and the FBI). Raph apologizes for getting all whacked-out on gun-lust, but Casey says it’s cool. They then begin the long hitchhike home.

Casey Jones & Raphael (1941) #1
Writer: Kevin Eastman
Artist: Kevin Eastman
Inker: Simon Bisley
Colorist: Steve Lavigne
Letterer: Steve Lavigne
Cover by: Simon Bisley

The story begins with Casey Jones involved in a knock-down, drag out, no holds barred fist fight inside a building where a card game has erupted in violence. Outside, Midnight runs along a darkened sidewalk, apparently trying to escape someone. Casey is thrown out of a window and lands on Midnight, who reacts by kicking his butt. The gigantic bald man Casey was fighting comes out to get him, and Casey tackles him back inside, where their fight continues. Suddenly a car screeches around the corner and the occupants begins firing at Midnight. She leaps away and hides as she watches men exit the car and draw weapons. The story shifts into a flashback to Hong Kong, where Midnight was a driver for a gang led by Johnny Woo Woo. Casey Jones and Raphael get caught up in a two-fisted, 200-gun battle when a woman tries to leave her crime family.

Limited to 500
Publisher: Heavy Metal
Publication Date: 2008
Format: FC, 110 Pages, HC, 8.25″ x 11″
ISBN-10: 0981489508
ISBN-13: 9780981489506

Collectible Entertainment note:  Very Rare Signed Hardcover is in Very Fine + condition.  Beautiful!  Please see scans!!  A must have for any TMNT and/or Bodycount collector / enthusiast.  A fun & entertaining read.  Very Highly Recommended.

Please read return policy.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles – Bodycount                       Signed & Limited to 500 Hardcover
Writer: Kevin Eastman
Penciller: Simon Bisley & Kevin Eastman
Inker: Simon Bisley
Colorists: A. Craig Farley – ‘A.C. Farley, Altered Earth Arts’ & Steve Lavigne
Letterer: Steve Lavigne
Cover by: Simon Bisley

Casey Jones and Raphael find themselves assisting an assassin on the run from her former employer, who has sent men, Johnny Woo Woo and his boys, to kill her. Casey Jones and Raphael find themselves getting caught up in a two-fisted, 200-gun battle helping the assassin, Midnight as she tries to leave her crime family. Eventually, Midnight, Casey and Raphael get into a deadly car chase with Johnny Woo Woo and his boys. Midnight, Casey and Raphael flee the Club Dead just as Johnny Woo Woo destroys it (causing the club owner to swear vengeance). Our heroes seek refuge with well-armed friends in an old church – but it’s not long before Johnny Woo Woo and his thugs come a-knockin’ and a-shootin’. Johnny Woo Woo and Midnight face-off in mortal combat… only one lives to tell the tale.

This rare hardcover reprinting Bodycount (1996) Issues #1-4, and Casey Jones & Raphael (1994) #1 introduces a darker side to the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Simon Bisley, a master at presenting characters in a overly violent and overly sexualized style, gives his touch to the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. As always, Bisley’s art is impressive and over the top. The story is considered a classic, worthy of any Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles afficiando. This darker rendition of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is a far departure the “cowabunga” Ninja Turtles that the mainstream has enjoyed in TV, Movies and comics. Violent, bloody and gory, you’ll never think of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles in the same way. Of interesting note, it has been said that this Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles story by co-creator Kevin Eastman was his last main Ninja Turtle work before he signed over all the rights to collaborator Peter Laird.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Bodycount Limited Hardcover reprints/collects:
Bodycount (1996) #1-4
Writer: Kevin Eastman
Artist: Simon Bisley
Colorist: Steve Lavigne
Letterer: Steve Lavigne
Cover by: Simon Bisley

First in issue #1, The story begins with Casey Jones involved in a knock-down, drag out, no holds barred fist fight inside a building where a card game has erupted in violence. Outside, Midnight runs along a darkened sidewalk, apparently trying to escape someone. Casey is thrown out of a window and lands on Midnight, who reacts by kicking his butt. The gigantic bald man Casey was fighting comes out to get him, and Casey tackles him back inside, where their fight continues. Suddenly a car screeches around the corner and the occupants begins firing at Midnight. She leaps away and hides as she watches men exit the car and draw weapons. The story shifts into a flashback to Hong Kong, where Midnight was a driver for a gang led by Johnny Woo Woo. Casey Jones and Raphael get caught up in a two-fisted, 200-gun battle when a woman tries to leave her crime family.

Next in issue #2, Hiding out on a pier, Midnight explains her situation to Casey Jones and Raphael and that they must help her reach “sanctuary”. Raph is reluctant, but Casey just can’t say no to a nice big pair of… eyes. After picking up some old Halloween costumes for disguise, they head over to a locker in Grand Central Station where Midnight has stashed some “supplies”. Johnny and his gang arrive and begin shooting up the joint. Midnight returns fire with her “supplies”, though Casey refuses to take a gun. Raph, meanwhile, grabs a grenade, stuffs it in a hotdog cart and sends it rolling toward the mobsters. The explosion gives them time to steal a Jeep and make their getaway. At JFK Airport, Detective Choy arrives and demands to speak to the Mayor about Johnny Woo Woo. Over at a gas station, Raph continues to tell Casey he doesn’t trust Midnight, while Midnight feels regret for dragging the two boys into her mess. Then, surprise surprise, Johnny attacks! Again. As they escape in their Jeep, Midnight blows up the gas pump, killing most of Johnny’s henchmen. Johnny pursues in his car, but a few shots from Raph (who finds he can use a gun by breaking off the finger guards) and some well-placed grenades sends Johnny’s car flying off an overpass and onto a truck. Casey, Midnight and Raph then head for Pittsburgh. Back in New York, Detective Choy learns from the Police Chief about the gas station explosion. Reports had Johnny stealing a truck and heading towards Midnight location. Choy hooks up with Agent Bodē of the FBI and gives chase. Driving, Johnny recalls his meeting with mob boss Dong after the botched hit on Shakkur. Apparently, Dong’s son was amongst the mobsters killed when Midnight abandoned the getaway car and the police attacked. Dong believes Midnight to have been in cahoots with the law. Johnny doesn’t want to believe that Midnight set him up but takes the hit anyway. In either Pittsburgh or Philadelphia, Midnight leads Casey and Raph to “Club Dead” for a meeting with her old friend, Courtney. Court understands Midnight’s situation and wishes to help her reach “sanctuary” but thinks that relocating his men before Johnny Woo Woo arrives would be a good call, first. However, before he does so Johnny Woo Woo arrives and shoots everybody. Again. Midnight, Casey and Raph hear the noise, though Court’s men are certain that Johnny won’t be able to survive their barrage of bullets. Johnny not only survives but hurls a hand grenade while he’s at it.

Next in issue #3, As Johnny works his way through Club Dead, Court leads Midnight, Casey Jones and Raphael to the roof for their escape. Raph offers to cover their rear, grabbing a machinegun and losing himself in the thrill of blowing enemies away with red hot lead. With Johnny Woo ducking for cover, Raph leaps down to the ground and escapes with Court and the rest. Johnny is pissed and, after shooting down a police chopper, decides to wait for his prey at the “sanctuary”. Detective Choy then arrives at the burning ruins of Club Dead. Horrified at Johnny’s handiwork, Choy decides to set up a stakeout at the “sanctuary” for him. In a diner at Pittsburgh’s Lower East Side, Court comes to the conclusion that none of his goons survived since no one else has shown up at the meeting place. Leaving, Court agrees to take Midnight to see the mysterious Martin at the “sanctuary”. In Hong Kong, mob boss Dong has a plot to finally solidify his power over the global underworld and he need only double-cross Johnny Woo Woo to do it. Dong then dispatches a unit of his men to the “sanctuary”. At Pittsburgh’s South Side, Court pulls into an abandoned church. Ushering Midnight, Casey and Raph in through a secret door, they’re met by a nutty spiritual leader named Martin who has foreseen Midnight’s coming and her great role in events that are about to unfold. He then encourages them to arm themselves with what provisions the sanctuary has to offer. Midnight and Raph load up with guns, while Casey finds himself some hockey sticks and a star-spangled hockey mask. Johnny and his gang finally arrive and drive their van straight through the front door. Detective Choy decides to hold off on sending his men in, as he spots Dong’s Hong Kong crew storming the church. As Johnny shoots through Martin’s thugs, he’s suddenly surrounded by Dong’s troopers. Johnny’s confused, and even more so when Raph (guns a-blazing) comes dropping down through a skylight with Casey (in full-on vigilante mode) in tow.

Finally in issue #4, “I feel like I’m in some bad movie” At the “sanctuary”, Raphael and Casey Jones are stuck in the middle of a three-way gunfight between Johnny’s men, Martin’s men and Dong’s men. The thrill of letting go with machinegun fire has completely overtaken Raph’s senses and he leaves himself open to a shot from Johnny. Casey nails Johnny in the arm with a golf club, sparing Raph, but in retaliation, Johnny shoots Casey through the heart. As the firefight moves away, Raph rushes to Casey’s unconscious body. Outside, Agent Bode’ of the FBI threatens to take command of Detective Choy’s men if he doesn’t intervene soon. Choy has his hulking brute sidekick, Hector, lay Bode’ out with a punch (snapping Bode’s neck). Choy plans to let all three sides wipe each other out so that all he need do is clean up the mess. As Johnny makes his way to Martin’s throne room, he’s met by Midnight. Midnight tries to reason with him and explain the situation. Dong had masterminded the entire scenario in an attempt to consolidate all underworld power under his and Martin’s rule. Dong was afraid Johnny was getting too good and teamed with Detective Choy to tip-off the raid at Shakkur’s. He then fingered Midnight as the snitch and hired Johnny to kill her, knowing that the chase would lead back to the “sanctuary” where an ambush would be waiting. Martin backs Midnight’s story up, though he reveals that his part in the plan didn’t go off as intended. He wanted the “sanctuary” to be an arena where only those involved in mob matters had to fight and die, thus eliminating the deaths of innocent bystanders in gang hits. Johnny isn’t having any of it and, throwing down his guns, agrees to fight Midnight in a sword duel in the arena. The two go at it and Midnight proves victorious, stabbing Johnny through the stomach. Johnny tells his sister he loves her and dies in her arms. Midnight returns the sentiment to her departed brother. In another room, Casey comes to. The bullet from Johnny apparently embedded in his lucky Wayne Gretsky hockey puck! Martin orders his men to shoot them both, but Raph gives an impromptu speech about the beauty and the ugliness of guns, and the speech moves Martin to call his men off. Suddenly, an alarm on Martin’s watch goes off, reminding him that the “sanctuary” is about to explode. Everyone escapes as the church detonates right in Choy’s face. Johnny’s smoking cybernetic limb lands in Choy’s lap and the detective realizes he’s screwed the whole operation up. Outside the smoking ruins of the “sanctuary”, Casey and Midnight smooch (as Raph gags) and then agree that they aren’t right for each other, parting ways. Back in Hong Kong, Dong is sure his plan has gone off without a hitch; that is until he receives a package from Choy containing Johnny’s limb and an apology note. Dong is not pleased. Two days later, Casey and Raph decide it’s time to head back to New York as they buy some hot dogs from two familiar guys (Choy and Hector, who are in hiding from Dong’s men and the FBI). Raph apologizes for getting all whacked-out on gun-lust, but Casey says it’s cool. They then begin the long hitchhike home.

Casey Jones & Raphael (1941) #1
Writer: Kevin Eastman
Artist: Kevin Eastman
Inker: Simon Bisley
Colorist: Steve Lavigne
Letterer: Steve Lavigne
Cover by: Simon Bisley

The story begins with Casey Jones involved in a knock-down, drag out, no holds barred fist fight inside a building where a card game has erupted in violence. Outside, Midnight runs along a darkened sidewalk, apparently trying to escape someone. Casey is thrown out of a window and lands on Midnight, who reacts by kicking his butt. The gigantic bald man Casey was fighting comes out to get him, and Casey tackles him back inside, where their fight continues. Suddenly a car screeches around the corner and the occupants begins firing at Midnight. She leaps away and hides as she watches men exit the car and draw weapons. The story shifts into a flashback to Hong Kong, where Midnight was a driver for a gang led by Johnny Woo Woo. Casey Jones and Raphael get caught up in a two-fisted, 200-gun battle when a woman tries to leave her crime family.

Limited to 500
Publisher: Heavy Metal
Publication Date: 2008
Format: FC, 110 Pages, HC, 8.25″ x 11″
ISBN-10: 0981489508
ISBN-13: 9780981489506

Collectible Entertainment note:  Very Rare Signed Hardcover is in Very Fine + condition.  Beautiful!  Please see scans!!  A must have for any TMNT and/or Bodycount collector / enthusiast.  A fun & entertaining read.  Very Highly Recommended.

Please read return policy.

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