Infinity Gauntlet Comic Set 1-2-3-4-5-6 Jim Starlin Thanos George Perez Ron Lim

Infinity Gauntlet Comic Set 1-2-3-4-5-6 Jim Starlin Thanos George Perez Ron Lim

Original price was: $499.00.Current price is: $449.10.

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Item specifics:
Publisher: Marvel Comics
Publication Date: 1991
Product Type: Comics Lot
Product Condition: Very Fine to Very Fine + (Please See Scans)
UPC: None Stated

Infinity Gauntlet Comic Set 1-2-3-4-5-6 Jim Starlin Thanos George Perez Ron Lim

Original price was: $499.00.Current price is: $449.10.

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Item specifics:
Publisher: Marvel Comics
Publication Date: 1991
Product Type: Comics Lot
Product Condition: Very Fine to Very Fine + (Please See Scans)
UPC: None Stated

Item specifics:
Publisher: Marvel Comics
Publication Date: 1991
Product Type: Comics Lot
Product Condition: Very Fine to Very Fine + (Please See Scans)
UPC: None Stated

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The Infinity Gauntlet                          Comics Lot
The Infinity Gauntlet (1991) is the first part of Jim Starlin’s Infinity stories that include Infinity War (1992), Infinity Crusade (1993), and the Infinity Abyss (2002).  Awesome!!
Writer: Jim Starlin
Artists: George Pérez & Ron Lim
Inkers: Josef Rubinstein, Tom Christopher & Bruce N. Solotoff
Colorists: Max Scheele, Ian Laughlin & Evelyn Stein
Letterer: Jack Morelli
Editors: Craig Anderson, John Lewandowski & Tom DeFalco
Cover #1 by: George Pérez & John Stracuzzi
Covers #2,3,4 by: George Pérez
Covers #5,6 by: Ron Lim & George Pérez

The End Begins Here!
It’s the end of the Universe. Thanos, the mad god who worships death has gained control of the Infinity Gauntlet: six gems which give him ultimate power over everything. He exerts power that dwarfs that of Galactus. He possesses ultimate knowledge. And with a single thought, he wipes half the living beings in the galaxy from the face of existence. A six issue limited series that started the biggest cosmic event in the Marvel Universe! After the events of The Thanos Quest, Thanos the mad god, has come into possession of the Infinity Gems and wipes out half of the Universe in the blink of an eye for his romantic interest… Death. It is up to the remaining heroes of earth and from beyond to stop the madness.

The first part of Jim Starlin’s Infinity stories that include Infinity War, Infinity Crusade, and the Infinity Abyss. The Infinity Gauntlet has Marvel’s most powerful beings in the universe uniting to try to stop galactic Armageddon… against an all-powerful foe!

In issue #1, “God”, Thanos is contemplating what is to be done now that he has the power of god. He finds that the answer is quite simple – anything he wants. The Silver Surfer has crash landed in the home of Doctor Strange, the Marvel Universe’s Sorcerer Supreme and his old friend. He tells him the events that have transpired and hopes that it is not too late for the two to work to undo them. Thanos goes to Death to seek her love and approval. With every attempt, she shows her disdain and turns her back to him. He cannot understand why she will not return his love. He creates a giant shrine to her honor, with two chairs for them to sit in and rule all of the universe. Still, she remains uninterested. He resurrects Nebula, creating a half alive half dead version of her in another attempt for Death’s affection. She still is unimpressed. He then discovers that maybe she is spurned that he has not fulfilled his vow to destroy half the population of the universe. With one snap of his fingers, he makes it so. All over the universe half the life on any given planet disappears, human and animal alike. This is noticed widely by Spider-Man, Captain America, Hulk and SHIELD on Earth as well as by Empress S’byll of the Kree Empire and by the Eternals on Titan. Some close to them have disappeared as well, such as Sersi, Hawkeye, Mentor and Wong. The Silver Surfer senses all this death and to him it is just too much to bear.

Next in issue #2, “From Bad to Worse”, While the Avengers are cleaning up the mess from half the population disappearing, Epoch contacts Quasar the Cosmic Guardian and informs him he is needed. Epoch is with an entity that proves to be Adam Warlock. Doctor Strange is then contacted by that same entity and says he must lead the forces against Thanos. He opens his soul for Doctor Strange to see that he is no enemy. Meanwhile, Doctor Doom looks for answers to what is happening. He attacks Doctor Strange’s mansion and assaults Strange and the Silver Surfer, who tries to fight him, but is in no shape to do so after his battle with Thanos and is quickly beaten. At that moment, Adam Warlock appears and tells them he has all the answers they need. Back with Death, it seems Starfox was taken by Thanos for a ‘family reunion.’ Starfox tries to use his power to manipulate Thanos but it does not work and Thanos removes his mouth. He tortures them to impress Mistress Death but even this does not work. In anger, Thanos creates an incredible shockwave across the universe. On Asgard, Odin has become aware of the situation. He has gathered all the deities into the Council of Godheads once again to discuss the problem. They all band together to combat Thanos, but are trapped in Asgard after Thanos’ shockwave destroys the exit. The shockwave causes much damage to Earth. The western coast of the United States falls into the ocean and a massive tsunami hits the east coast. Across the world, the landscape had changed and many places simply did not exist any longer such as Japan. Earth’s heroes try to assess the situation and get a plan into action.

Next in issue #3, “Preparations for War”, Earth’s heroes have gathered and it is nearly time to begin their attack on Thanos. Doctor Doom tries to convince the others that he should lead them but they refuse and side with Warlock instead. Silver Surfer and Adam Warlock take off to another location to start the plan. They meet with Quasar and Epoch who have gathered some of the most powerful entities in the universe. The Living Tribunal states that no cosmic crime is being committed and he will not aid them. Galactus objects to being lead by a mortal and even attempts to kill Warlock, but finally agrees to go along with the plan after the other cosmic beings join Warlock. The Watcher also lets it be known that he will not participate. Adam Warlock and the Silver Surfer return to lead the attack. Warlock takes Wolverine and Hulk to the side and reminds them that they are important because the goal is to kill Thanos, and they will not hold back on him. Thanos can still not get Death to fall in love with him so to spite her he creates the object of his affection, Terraxia. He claims she will be the perfect match for him and he no longer needs Death, who leaves when this happens. Thanos pretends not to care but is clearly infuriated by her departure. Doctor Strange casts a spell allowing everyone to breathe in space and uses the Eye of Agamatto to transport them to Thanos. Silver Surfer and Adam Warlock have plans of their own and do not join the fight, instead watching from afar. He explains that most of them will not survive Thanos’ power and they are merely a diversion.

Next in issue #4, “Cosmic Battle on the Edge of the Universe!”, Thanos freezes Thor, Namor, Firelord and Iron Man’s attacks as well as everyone else in time, except for Nebula, Watcher, Mephisto, Starfox, Terraxia and Mistress Death. Mephisto shows Thanos that the Silver Surfer and Adam Warlock are only a few light years away. Thanos wishes to annihilate them all, but Mephisto uses Thanos’ love for Mistress Death, to goad him into using only his ‘Power’ gem, thus allowing for a fairer fight to impress Death. Thanos unfreezes time and is immediately attacked by Drax the Destroyer and the Hulk. They are both quickly subdued by Thanos, before he is immediately assaulted by the Vision from behind, who quickly retreats from his location, leaving Thanos actually impressed. Namor and She-Hulk begin their attack, but Thanos begins to adjust to his new power level and causes something to grow on both superheroes, that envelops and kills them. Thanos begins to gain the upper hand, but is knocked down by Mjölnir, but Thor is unable to assault Thanos a second time as Doctor Doom greedily leaps in to steal the Infinity Gauntlet. Doom however pays the price of such treachery by being struck by the Gauntlet, burning his suit and sending him flying, although his armor does save him from death. Thor hurls Mjölnir at Thanos again, who this time creates a portal that sends Mjölnir away. Without Mjölnir, Thor will revert back to mortal Eric Masterson in sixty seconds and thus savagely pummels Thanos briefly before Thanos overpowers him and flings Thor away. With Thor temporarily out of the battle, Firelord and Wolverine attack Thanos, who defeats both by hurling Firelord brutally into a wall and turning Wolverine’s adamantium skeleton into rubber. Doom once again tries to get the Infinity Gauntlet, exclaiming that only death will stop him from trying, to which Thanos replies saying that it can be arranged, presumably proceeding to deal with Doom. Eternity appears to the Silver Surfer and Adam Warlock and says that his Cosmic Brigade wishes to join the fight. Warlock rudely dismisses Eternity and says that even he is a piece on Warlock’s board. The Surfer then angrily accuses Warlock of seeing this cosmic battle as a game, to which Warlock replies that it is only because of that, that he can carry out his plan. Back at Death’s shrine, Cyclops and Scarlet Witch take on Thanos from both sides, but she is easily overpowered by Thanos and killed. Cyclops manages to stumble Thanos and Iron Man swoops in to attack, but his repulsors fail to kill the titan. Terraxia then leaps in to help Thanos and begins struggling with the armored avenger. As Cyclops attacks him again, Thanos envelops the mutant’s head in a clear block of force that cuts off his oxygen and begins slowly killing Cyclops. As Captain America rushes to help the mutant, Vision tries his previous ploy again, but Thanos has learnt his lesson and manages to destroy him. Captain America is enraged at Thanos for killing Cyclops and his anger briefly distracts Thanos, Cloak envelops Thanos and sends him to the Darkforce Dimension, but is unable to imprison Thanos and Cloak dies in a massive explosion. Thanos declares he is supreme and laughs maniacally even while being assaulted by Drax and Firelord.

Next in issue #5, “Astral Conflagration”, Thanos is under attack by several of the most powerful forces in the universe. The heavens shake with power. Billions die just for the battle to take place. It creates an inter-dimension distortion allowing Annihilus and his forces to invade Earth. But right now, this is the least of the universe’s troubles. One by one, Thanos defeats the entities Chronos, Master Order and Lord Chaos, Galactus, Stranger, Epoch, Mistress Love and Master Hate. Mephisto sees this as an opportunity and tries to take the gauntlet from Thanos but fails. Thanos is soon disheartened in the fact that Death has joined the assault against him. He entraps all the entities when he is faced with Eternity. The battle turns out to be the war for control of this reality. Thanos ends up the victor, turning into a cosmic being not unlike Eternity. But this leaves his physical form temporarily unprotected. Nebula takes the Infinity Gauntlet for herself. Doctor Strange, Warlock and Silver Surfer regroup on Earth. They devise a new plan. Now it is Nebula who possesses the greatest power in all the universe, and she is very disoriented by her recent ordeals. She seeks revenge and transports Thanos and Terraxia into space, where Terraxia dies because Thanos had not thought to make her be able to breathe in space. He is then transported by Warlock to Earth so they can speak. In private, Warlock reveals that while in the soul gem he was able to learn everything about Thanos including his thoughts, dreams and secrets. He tells him that he always seeks ultimate power but does not believe he deserves it and subconsciously supplied his own defeat whenever he achieved it. Thanos agrees to help retrieve the gauntlet from Nebula. Doctor Strange has managed to gather some of the heroes who were sent to other realms by Thanos. They all attack Nebula, but even with her lack of experience the gems give her incredible power.

Finally in issue #6, “The Final Confrontation”, Thanos and the remaining heroes face off against Nebula who now has possession of the Infinity Gauntlet. She uses the power she now has to transform the universe back to the way it was twenty-four hours ago. All of Thanos’ death and destruction has been undone. Some of those returning to life have no recollection of the events that have transpired, some feel like something is not right and others remember the events in full detail. She herself is transformed back into the horrible creature Thanos turned her into. But as Warlock reaches for the gauntlet she regains her power. The cosmic beings unleash their fury upon her. Warlock has a plan now that the gauntlet is in less experienced hands. He and the Silver Surfer return to the Soul World where Warlock becomes at one with the universe of the soul gem. Nebula manages to turn the cosmic beings into stone. Warlock manages to reach out to the other gems and the gauntlet separates from Nebula. It is now an all out battle to retrieve the fallen gauntlet and Earth’s heroes stop Thanos from obtaining it again. The gauntlet comes into the hands of Adam Warlock. Rather than face imprisonment, Thanos chooses to blow himself up with a thermal nuclear device. Adam Warlock claims himself the true possessor of the Infinity Gems and that he will be a just god. He transports himself, Gamora and Pip to two months in the future on a unnamed planet. They go to visit Thanos, who claims that three failures at such a scope are enough for him and he will live out a quiet life to reflect on the lessons of the past.

Comics lot contains: The Infinity Gauntlet (1991) Issues #1-6.  Marvel Comics

Comics are bagged & boarded and will be carefully / securely packaged then shipped via USPS Priority Mail to ensure that it arrives to you perfectly and quickly.

All First Printings
Publisher: Marvel Comics
Publication Date: 1991
Format per comic: FC, 48 pages, Comic, 10.25″ x 6.5″
UPC: None Stated

Collectible Entertainment note: Comics 1,2,3,4,5,6 are in Very Fine to Very Fine + condition.  Beautiful Set!  Please See Scans!!  A must have for any serious Marvel “Infinity”, Thanos and/or Jim Starlin collector / enthusiast.  A fun & entertaining read.  Highly Recommend.

Please read return policy.

The Infinity Gauntlet                          Comics Lot
The Infinity Gauntlet (1991) is the first part of Jim Starlin’s Infinity stories that include Infinity War (1992), Infinity Crusade (1993), and the Infinity Abyss (2002).  Awesome!!
Writer: Jim Starlin
Artists: George Pérez & Ron Lim
Inkers: Josef Rubinstein, Tom Christopher & Bruce N. Solotoff
Colorists: Max Scheele, Ian Laughlin & Evelyn Stein
Letterer: Jack Morelli
Editors: Craig Anderson, John Lewandowski & Tom DeFalco
Cover #1 by: George Pérez & John Stracuzzi
Covers #2,3,4 by: George Pérez
Covers #5,6 by: Ron Lim & George Pérez

The End Begins Here!
It’s the end of the Universe. Thanos, the mad god who worships death has gained control of the Infinity Gauntlet: six gems which give him ultimate power over everything. He exerts power that dwarfs that of Galactus. He possesses ultimate knowledge. And with a single thought, he wipes half the living beings in the galaxy from the face of existence. A six issue limited series that started the biggest cosmic event in the Marvel Universe! After the events of The Thanos Quest, Thanos the mad god, has come into possession of the Infinity Gems and wipes out half of the Universe in the blink of an eye for his romantic interest… Death. It is up to the remaining heroes of earth and from beyond to stop the madness.

The first part of Jim Starlin’s Infinity stories that include Infinity War, Infinity Crusade, and the Infinity Abyss. The Infinity Gauntlet has Marvel’s most powerful beings in the universe uniting to try to stop galactic Armageddon… against an all-powerful foe!

In issue #1, “God”, Thanos is contemplating what is to be done now that he has the power of god. He finds that the answer is quite simple – anything he wants. The Silver Surfer has crash landed in the home of Doctor Strange, the Marvel Universe’s Sorcerer Supreme and his old friend. He tells him the events that have transpired and hopes that it is not too late for the two to work to undo them. Thanos goes to Death to seek her love and approval. With every attempt, she shows her disdain and turns her back to him. He cannot understand why she will not return his love. He creates a giant shrine to her honor, with two chairs for them to sit in and rule all of the universe. Still, she remains uninterested. He resurrects Nebula, creating a half alive half dead version of her in another attempt for Death’s affection. She still is unimpressed. He then discovers that maybe she is spurned that he has not fulfilled his vow to destroy half the population of the universe. With one snap of his fingers, he makes it so. All over the universe half the life on any given planet disappears, human and animal alike. This is noticed widely by Spider-Man, Captain America, Hulk and SHIELD on Earth as well as by Empress S’byll of the Kree Empire and by the Eternals on Titan. Some close to them have disappeared as well, such as Sersi, Hawkeye, Mentor and Wong. The Silver Surfer senses all this death and to him it is just too much to bear.

Next in issue #2, “From Bad to Worse”, While the Avengers are cleaning up the mess from half the population disappearing, Epoch contacts Quasar the Cosmic Guardian and informs him he is needed. Epoch is with an entity that proves to be Adam Warlock. Doctor Strange is then contacted by that same entity and says he must lead the forces against Thanos. He opens his soul for Doctor Strange to see that he is no enemy. Meanwhile, Doctor Doom looks for answers to what is happening. He attacks Doctor Strange’s mansion and assaults Strange and the Silver Surfer, who tries to fight him, but is in no shape to do so after his battle with Thanos and is quickly beaten. At that moment, Adam Warlock appears and tells them he has all the answers they need. Back with Death, it seems Starfox was taken by Thanos for a ‘family reunion.’ Starfox tries to use his power to manipulate Thanos but it does not work and Thanos removes his mouth. He tortures them to impress Mistress Death but even this does not work. In anger, Thanos creates an incredible shockwave across the universe. On Asgard, Odin has become aware of the situation. He has gathered all the deities into the Council of Godheads once again to discuss the problem. They all band together to combat Thanos, but are trapped in Asgard after Thanos’ shockwave destroys the exit. The shockwave causes much damage to Earth. The western coast of the United States falls into the ocean and a massive tsunami hits the east coast. Across the world, the landscape had changed and many places simply did not exist any longer such as Japan. Earth’s heroes try to assess the situation and get a plan into action.

Next in issue #3, “Preparations for War”, Earth’s heroes have gathered and it is nearly time to begin their attack on Thanos. Doctor Doom tries to convince the others that he should lead them but they refuse and side with Warlock instead. Silver Surfer and Adam Warlock take off to another location to start the plan. They meet with Quasar and Epoch who have gathered some of the most powerful entities in the universe. The Living Tribunal states that no cosmic crime is being committed and he will not aid them. Galactus objects to being lead by a mortal and even attempts to kill Warlock, but finally agrees to go along with the plan after the other cosmic beings join Warlock. The Watcher also lets it be known that he will not participate. Adam Warlock and the Silver Surfer return to lead the attack. Warlock takes Wolverine and Hulk to the side and reminds them that they are important because the goal is to kill Thanos, and they will not hold back on him. Thanos can still not get Death to fall in love with him so to spite her he creates the object of his affection, Terraxia. He claims she will be the perfect match for him and he no longer needs Death, who leaves when this happens. Thanos pretends not to care but is clearly infuriated by her departure. Doctor Strange casts a spell allowing everyone to breathe in space and uses the Eye of Agamatto to transport them to Thanos. Silver Surfer and Adam Warlock have plans of their own and do not join the fight, instead watching from afar. He explains that most of them will not survive Thanos’ power and they are merely a diversion.

Next in issue #4, “Cosmic Battle on the Edge of the Universe!”, Thanos freezes Thor, Namor, Firelord and Iron Man’s attacks as well as everyone else in time, except for Nebula, Watcher, Mephisto, Starfox, Terraxia and Mistress Death. Mephisto shows Thanos that the Silver Surfer and Adam Warlock are only a few light years away. Thanos wishes to annihilate them all, but Mephisto uses Thanos’ love for Mistress Death, to goad him into using only his ‘Power’ gem, thus allowing for a fairer fight to impress Death. Thanos unfreezes time and is immediately attacked by Drax the Destroyer and the Hulk. They are both quickly subdued by Thanos, before he is immediately assaulted by the Vision from behind, who quickly retreats from his location, leaving Thanos actually impressed. Namor and She-Hulk begin their attack, but Thanos begins to adjust to his new power level and causes something to grow on both superheroes, that envelops and kills them. Thanos begins to gain the upper hand, but is knocked down by Mjölnir, but Thor is unable to assault Thanos a second time as Doctor Doom greedily leaps in to steal the Infinity Gauntlet. Doom however pays the price of such treachery by being struck by the Gauntlet, burning his suit and sending him flying, although his armor does save him from death. Thor hurls Mjölnir at Thanos again, who this time creates a portal that sends Mjölnir away. Without Mjölnir, Thor will revert back to mortal Eric Masterson in sixty seconds and thus savagely pummels Thanos briefly before Thanos overpowers him and flings Thor away. With Thor temporarily out of the battle, Firelord and Wolverine attack Thanos, who defeats both by hurling Firelord brutally into a wall and turning Wolverine’s adamantium skeleton into rubber. Doom once again tries to get the Infinity Gauntlet, exclaiming that only death will stop him from trying, to which Thanos replies saying that it can be arranged, presumably proceeding to deal with Doom. Eternity appears to the Silver Surfer and Adam Warlock and says that his Cosmic Brigade wishes to join the fight. Warlock rudely dismisses Eternity and says that even he is a piece on Warlock’s board. The Surfer then angrily accuses Warlock of seeing this cosmic battle as a game, to which Warlock replies that it is only because of that, that he can carry out his plan. Back at Death’s shrine, Cyclops and Scarlet Witch take on Thanos from both sides, but she is easily overpowered by Thanos and killed. Cyclops manages to stumble Thanos and Iron Man swoops in to attack, but his repulsors fail to kill the titan. Terraxia then leaps in to help Thanos and begins struggling with the armored avenger. As Cyclops attacks him again, Thanos envelops the mutant’s head in a clear block of force that cuts off his oxygen and begins slowly killing Cyclops. As Captain America rushes to help the mutant, Vision tries his previous ploy again, but Thanos has learnt his lesson and manages to destroy him. Captain America is enraged at Thanos for killing Cyclops and his anger briefly distracts Thanos, Cloak envelops Thanos and sends him to the Darkforce Dimension, but is unable to imprison Thanos and Cloak dies in a massive explosion. Thanos declares he is supreme and laughs maniacally even while being assaulted by Drax and Firelord.

Next in issue #5, “Astral Conflagration”, Thanos is under attack by several of the most powerful forces in the universe. The heavens shake with power. Billions die just for the battle to take place. It creates an inter-dimension distortion allowing Annihilus and his forces to invade Earth. But right now, this is the least of the universe’s troubles. One by one, Thanos defeats the entities Chronos, Master Order and Lord Chaos, Galactus, Stranger, Epoch, Mistress Love and Master Hate. Mephisto sees this as an opportunity and tries to take the gauntlet from Thanos but fails. Thanos is soon disheartened in the fact that Death has joined the assault against him. He entraps all the entities when he is faced with Eternity. The battle turns out to be the war for control of this reality. Thanos ends up the victor, turning into a cosmic being not unlike Eternity. But this leaves his physical form temporarily unprotected. Nebula takes the Infinity Gauntlet for herself. Doctor Strange, Warlock and Silver Surfer regroup on Earth. They devise a new plan. Now it is Nebula who possesses the greatest power in all the universe, and she is very disoriented by her recent ordeals. She seeks revenge and transports Thanos and Terraxia into space, where Terraxia dies because Thanos had not thought to make her be able to breathe in space. He is then transported by Warlock to Earth so they can speak. In private, Warlock reveals that while in the soul gem he was able to learn everything about Thanos including his thoughts, dreams and secrets. He tells him that he always seeks ultimate power but does not believe he deserves it and subconsciously supplied his own defeat whenever he achieved it. Thanos agrees to help retrieve the gauntlet from Nebula. Doctor Strange has managed to gather some of the heroes who were sent to other realms by Thanos. They all attack Nebula, but even with her lack of experience the gems give her incredible power.

Finally in issue #6, “The Final Confrontation”, Thanos and the remaining heroes face off against Nebula who now has possession of the Infinity Gauntlet. She uses the power she now has to transform the universe back to the way it was twenty-four hours ago. All of Thanos’ death and destruction has been undone. Some of those returning to life have no recollection of the events that have transpired, some feel like something is not right and others remember the events in full detail. She herself is transformed back into the horrible creature Thanos turned her into. But as Warlock reaches for the gauntlet she regains her power. The cosmic beings unleash their fury upon her. Warlock has a plan now that the gauntlet is in less experienced hands. He and the Silver Surfer return to the Soul World where Warlock becomes at one with the universe of the soul gem. Nebula manages to turn the cosmic beings into stone. Warlock manages to reach out to the other gems and the gauntlet separates from Nebula. It is now an all out battle to retrieve the fallen gauntlet and Earth’s heroes stop Thanos from obtaining it again. The gauntlet comes into the hands of Adam Warlock. Rather than face imprisonment, Thanos chooses to blow himself up with a thermal nuclear device. Adam Warlock claims himself the true possessor of the Infinity Gems and that he will be a just god. He transports himself, Gamora and Pip to two months in the future on a unnamed planet. They go to visit Thanos, who claims that three failures at such a scope are enough for him and he will live out a quiet life to reflect on the lessons of the past.

Comics lot contains: The Infinity Gauntlet (1991) Issues #1-6.  Marvel Comics

Comics are bagged & boarded and will be carefully / securely packaged then shipped via USPS Priority Mail to ensure that it arrives to you perfectly and quickly.

All First Printings
Publisher: Marvel Comics
Publication Date: 1991
Format per comic: FC, 48 pages, Comic, 10.25″ x 6.5″
UPC: None Stated

Collectible Entertainment note: Comics 1,2,3,4,5,6 are in Very Fine to Very Fine + condition.  Beautiful Set!  Please See Scans!!  A must have for any serious Marvel “Infinity”, Thanos and/or Jim Starlin collector / enthusiast.  A fun & entertaining read.  Highly Recommend.

Please read return policy.

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