Star Wars Tales of the Jedi The Golden Age of the Sith Trade Paperback TPB 1st

Star Wars Tales of the Jedi The Golden Age of the Sith Trade Paperback TPB 1st

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Item specifics:
Publisher: Dark Horse Comics
Publication Date: August 1997
Product Type: Trade Paperback
Product Condition: Fine + to Very Fine (Please See Scans)
ISBN-10: 1569712298
ISBN-13: 9781569712290

Star Wars Tales of the Jedi The Golden Age of the Sith Trade Paperback TPB 1st

Original price was: $89.00.Current price is: $80.10.

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Item specifics:
Publisher: Dark Horse Comics
Publication Date: August 1997
Product Type: Trade Paperback
Product Condition: Fine + to Very Fine (Please See Scans)
ISBN-10: 1569712298
ISBN-13: 9781569712290

Item specifics:
Publisher: Dark Horse Comics
Publication Date: August 1997
Product Type: Trade Paperback
Product Condition: Fine + to Very Fine (Please See Scans)
ISBN-10: 1569712298
ISBN-13: 9781569712290

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Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi – The Golden Age of the Sith                 Trade Paperback
Writer: Kevin J. Anderson
Artists: Christian Gossett & Dario Carrasco Jr.
Inkers: Stan Woch, Mark G. Heike, Bill Black & David Jacob Beckett
Colorists: Pamela Rambo & Perry McNamee
Letterers: Sean Konot & Willie Schubert
Editors: David Land & Bob Cooper
Cover by: Duncan Fegredo

A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away…

Star Wars is an American epic space opera franchise centered on a film series created by George Lucas.  The film series began with Star Wars, released on May 25, 1977. This was followed by two sequels: The Empire Strikes Back, released on May 21, 1980, and Return of the Jedi, released on May 25, 1983. Then more than two decades after the release of the original film, the series continued with a prequel trilogy; consisting of Episode I: The Phantom Menace, released on May 19, 1999; Episode II: Attack of the Clones, released on May 16, 2002; Episode III: Revenge of the Sith, released on May 19, 2005; and finally the epic saga concluded with Star Wars: The Force Awakens released on December 18, 2015; Star Wars: The Last Jedi was released on December 18, 2017. And Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker was released on December 20, 2019.

In October 1993, Dark Horse Comics took us deeper into the Star Wars universe with Tales of the Jedi. The epic drama of Star Wars was said to have happened “long ago, in a galaxy far away.” In that same galaxy, but even longer ago, lies the tale of the Jedi Knights. That was a time of peace, forged by the vast confederation of star systems known as the Galactic Republic. The Galactic Republic was a democracy, famed for its wise and fair leadership. When danger threatened, it also could call on its protectors, the Jedi Knights. Against the Dark Side, these heroic warriors fought for the cause of good, using their lightsabers and the power of the Force.

Now… a long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away… Tales of the Jedi – The Golden Age of the Sith! Five millennia before Luke Skywalker was born — and 1,000 years before two young Jedi reawakened a long-dormant evil — the dark power of The Sith held unquestioning rule over the galaxy. For those black-souled, corrupt Jedi, it was a golden age. For the rest of the galaxy, it was a nightmare.

In part #0, “Conquest and Unification”, Odan-Urr, Jedi historian on Ossus, is sent by his Master Ooroo to fight in the Koros system’s Unification Wars alongside Empress Teta. He and Memit Nadill fight in the final battle against the rebellion on Kirrek, and using Odan-Urr’s battle meditation, are able to sway the tide in their favor and eventually win, but Odan-Urr clearly does not enjoy the experience. In the skies of Kirrek, Hok and Timar Daragon are shot down while delivering supplies to Teta’s beleaguered soldiers. Aarrba the Hutt, a repair dock owner on Koros Major, gives Gav and Jori Daragon their parents’ ship, the Starbreaker 12, which was previously held as collateral, saying their parents “paid for it in blood.”

Next in part #1, “Into the Unknown”, While out mapping new hyperspace routes, Gav and Jori Daragon’s ship, the Starbreaker 12, is damaged. They take it in to Aarrba the Hutt’s repair dock on Koros Major, and he repairs it, but decides to hold it from them until the repairs can be paid for in full. Meanwhile, one of Merchant Lord Ssk Kahorr’s drone ships crashes on Primus Goluud while using one of the Daragons’ routes. Angered, Kahorr sends a pair of bounty hunters after them, but they are able to escape with help from Odan-Urr and Memit Nadill. The Daragons duck into an alley, and Gav decides to steal back the Starbreaker 12 and go farther than they ever have before. They sneak into Aarrba’s dock and do so, but are quickly pursued by Cinnagar security forces. Jori punches in random coordinates, sending the Starbreaker 12 into the unknown…

Next in part #2, “Funeral for a Dark Lord”, Five millennia before the birth of Luke Skywalker, at the height of the Republic, daring hyperspace explorers plunge through uncharted space, hoping to discover valuable commercial routes. Young Gav and Jori Daragon, brother and sister, attempt to make their fortune. Their supply-runner parents killed in Empress Teta’s final unification wars, Gav and Jori have little left of a meager inheritance. When their ship Starbreaker 12 is damaged on a mapping run, Aarrba the Hutt offers his repair dock on Cinnagar, but he refuses to release the ship until Gav and Jori pay him. Though Aarrba is kind-hearted (for a Hutt), he has already trusted them one time too many. Adding to their misfortunes, the merchant lord Ssk Kahorr suffers financial ruin when he uses one of the brother and sister’s mapped routes – and he takes out a contract for their lives… Meanwhile, the Jedi scholar Odan-Urr is assigned to the Koros system to assist Empress Teta. The unification wars are over, and the seven worlds of her system are poised for prosperity. Odan-Urr becomes a close confidant of another Jedi, Memit Nadill, a personal adviser to the Empress. The two Jedi rescue Gav and Jori from Ssk Kahorr’s assassination attempt. The brother and sister know they are doomed if they stay in Cinnagar. They have only one chance – to steal the Starbreaker 12 in one desperate plunge through hyperspace, hoping to discover a valuable new route no one else has dared to explore. Breaching Aarrba’s defenses, they roar off in their ship, dodging Cinnagar security. Punching random numbers into their navicomputer, they vanish into the unknown…

Next in part #3, “The Fabric of an Empire he Dogs of War”, A thousand years before the Great Sith War and the defeat of Exar Kun, two impetuous young hyperspace explorers, the brother and sister team of Gav and Jori Daragon, launch themselves into the unknown. Fleeing from a chain of bad decisions in the Republic worlds controlled by Empress Teta, they set a distant course at random – and land in the middle of the fabled Sith Empire! Their ship, Starbreaker 12, appears over the mausoleum world of Korriban, where a funeral procession of Sith Lords has come to inter their ruler, the Dark Lord Marka Ragnos. On the steps of a monumental tomb, glimpses of an underlying power struggle appear: two of the most powerful Sith Lords vie for the new title of Dark Lord and control of an empire. Ludo Kressh wishes to follow in the footsteps of his predecessor, to keep the Sith Empire stable and prosperous, not to overextend their resources but to maintain a tight grip on the Sith people, whom they have dominated for millennia. His rival Naga Sadow feels the ancient empire is growing stagnant and needs to extend its boundaries, to conquer new worlds and bring new blood into their grasp. Only moments after the dead Dark Lord is entombed, Sadow and Kressh engage in a vicious duel – but their battle is halted by the spectral image of Marka Ragnos rising from the crypt to warn them that the fate of the entire empire is in their hands. Just then, Gav and Jori land among them, innocent explorers hoping to make their fortunes by establishing trade. But the gathered Sith Lords see the strangers’ arrival as clear evidence of Ragnos’ warning. Gav and Jori are captured, about to become pawns in a power struggle that will span two empires…

Next in part #4, “Pawns of a Sith Lord”, Fleeing from bad decisions in the Empress Teta system, young hyperspace explorers Gav and Jori Daragon fly off into the unknown. Their ship, Starbreaker 12, chooses a random course – a fateful route that takes them to the fabled Sith Empire, where they are captured and held prisoner. Unknowingly, Gav and Jori have landed in the middle of a bitter power struggle between two of the greatest Sith Lords – Naga Sadow and Ludo Kressh. In the Sith council chambers, the Lords argue over what is to be done with the captives. Kressh fears the Starbreaker 12 is the precursor to an invasion, while Sadow sees the two trespassers as keys to a new section of the galaxy ripe for Sith conquest. He feels that if he can unite the squabbling factions against a common enemy, a common goal, then the Sith Empire can rise to new heights of glory. Gav and Jori wait in their cell, sentenced to be executed, despairing . . . not realizing that they have become pawns of a Sith Lord. With his fierce and loyal Massassi warriors, Naga Sadow secretly steals strange Republic weaponry from the impounded Starbreaker 12 and stages a commando raid to free the prisoners, killing a prominent Sith Lord in the process. Sadow whisks Gav and Jori off to his private fortress on the moon of Khar Shian… The Sith Lords are thrown into an uproar, seeing the weapons, the evidence, and assuming they have been attacked by Republic forces. In their turmoil, they turn to Naga Sadow for leadership. Outraged, Ludo Kressh storms off – but Sadow has achieved his greatest desire: he is chosen as the next Dark Lord of the Sith…

Finally in part #5, “The Flight of Starbreaker 12″, In the midst of a bitter struggle in the magnificent Sith Empire, Naga Sadow stages a violent charade – freeing innocent captives Gav and Jori Daragon and secretly whisking them and their ship, Starbreaker 12, off to his private fortress. He then plants evidence to imply that the rescue strike was the precursor to a full-scale invasion from the Republic. Sadow uses the turmoil to seize control of the Empire, proclaiming himself Dark Lord of the Sith. His arch rival, Ludo Kressh, vows never to follow him and storms off, taking his supporters with him. Meanwhile, on the other side of the galaxy, the scholarly Jedi Odan-Urr travels to Coruscant with the Empress Teta and her advisor Memit Nadill. There, they speak of Odan-Urr’s visions about the threat of long-forgotten Sith forces, but – despite the silent concern of the other Jedi Knights in attendance – they are laughed out of the council chambers… Naga Sadow has deeper plans for Gav and Jori. Separating them, he keeps Gav in his main stronghold on the moon Khar Shian while Jori remains in a “decoy” fortress on the main planet Khar Delba. He begins to train Gav as his protégé, teaching him rudimentary Sith magic while Jori broods, anxious to return home with Starbreaker 12. Only the navicomputer of their ship holds the convoluted information on how to find the great Republic. Ludo Kressh, however, discovers Sadow’s trickery and mounts an armed rebellion against the evil Dark Lord, vowing to fight to save the Sith Empire from Sadow’s reckless plans. As Sadow visits Jori in his decoy fortress, Kressh’s warships come in, intent on the toal destruction of the Dark Lord of the Sith…

Trade Paperback reprints/collects: Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi – The Golden Age of the Sith (1996-1997) Issues #0-5.  Dark Horse Comics.

Trade Paperback is bagged & boarded and will be carefully / securely packaged then shipped via USPS Priority Mail to ensure that it arrives to you perfectly and quickly.

First Edition
Publisher: Dark Horse Comics
Publication Date: August 1997
Format: FC, 144 pages, TPB, 10.25″ x 6.75″
ISBN-10: 1569712298
ISBN-13: 9781569712290

Collectible Entertainment note: Trade Paperback is in Fine + to Very Fine condition. (crease on front cover >>  top left) Otherwise… Very Nice!  Please See Scans!!  A must have for any serious Star Wars collector and/or enthusiast.  A fun & entertaining read.  Very Highly Recommended.

Please read return policy.

Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi – The Golden Age of the Sith                 Trade Paperback
Writer: Kevin J. Anderson
Artists: Christian Gossett & Dario Carrasco Jr.
Inkers: Stan Woch, Mark G. Heike, Bill Black & David Jacob Beckett
Colorists: Pamela Rambo & Perry McNamee
Letterers: Sean Konot & Willie Schubert
Editors: David Land & Bob Cooper
Cover by: Duncan Fegredo

A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away…

Star Wars is an American epic space opera franchise centered on a film series created by George Lucas.  The film series began with Star Wars, released on May 25, 1977. This was followed by two sequels: The Empire Strikes Back, released on May 21, 1980, and Return of the Jedi, released on May 25, 1983. Then more than two decades after the release of the original film, the series continued with a prequel trilogy; consisting of Episode I: The Phantom Menace, released on May 19, 1999; Episode II: Attack of the Clones, released on May 16, 2002; Episode III: Revenge of the Sith, released on May 19, 2005; and finally the epic saga concluded with Star Wars: The Force Awakens released on December 18, 2015; Star Wars: The Last Jedi was released on December 18, 2017. And Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker was released on December 20, 2019.

In October 1993, Dark Horse Comics took us deeper into the Star Wars universe with Tales of the Jedi. The epic drama of Star Wars was said to have happened “long ago, in a galaxy far away.” In that same galaxy, but even longer ago, lies the tale of the Jedi Knights. That was a time of peace, forged by the vast confederation of star systems known as the Galactic Republic. The Galactic Republic was a democracy, famed for its wise and fair leadership. When danger threatened, it also could call on its protectors, the Jedi Knights. Against the Dark Side, these heroic warriors fought for the cause of good, using their lightsabers and the power of the Force.

Now… a long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away… Tales of the Jedi – The Golden Age of the Sith! Five millennia before Luke Skywalker was born — and 1,000 years before two young Jedi reawakened a long-dormant evil — the dark power of The Sith held unquestioning rule over the galaxy. For those black-souled, corrupt Jedi, it was a golden age. For the rest of the galaxy, it was a nightmare.

In part #0, “Conquest and Unification”, Odan-Urr, Jedi historian on Ossus, is sent by his Master Ooroo to fight in the Koros system’s Unification Wars alongside Empress Teta. He and Memit Nadill fight in the final battle against the rebellion on Kirrek, and using Odan-Urr’s battle meditation, are able to sway the tide in their favor and eventually win, but Odan-Urr clearly does not enjoy the experience. In the skies of Kirrek, Hok and Timar Daragon are shot down while delivering supplies to Teta’s beleaguered soldiers. Aarrba the Hutt, a repair dock owner on Koros Major, gives Gav and Jori Daragon their parents’ ship, the Starbreaker 12, which was previously held as collateral, saying their parents “paid for it in blood.”

Next in part #1, “Into the Unknown”, While out mapping new hyperspace routes, Gav and Jori Daragon’s ship, the Starbreaker 12, is damaged. They take it in to Aarrba the Hutt’s repair dock on Koros Major, and he repairs it, but decides to hold it from them until the repairs can be paid for in full. Meanwhile, one of Merchant Lord Ssk Kahorr’s drone ships crashes on Primus Goluud while using one of the Daragons’ routes. Angered, Kahorr sends a pair of bounty hunters after them, but they are able to escape with help from Odan-Urr and Memit Nadill. The Daragons duck into an alley, and Gav decides to steal back the Starbreaker 12 and go farther than they ever have before. They sneak into Aarrba’s dock and do so, but are quickly pursued by Cinnagar security forces. Jori punches in random coordinates, sending the Starbreaker 12 into the unknown…

Next in part #2, “Funeral for a Dark Lord”, Five millennia before the birth of Luke Skywalker, at the height of the Republic, daring hyperspace explorers plunge through uncharted space, hoping to discover valuable commercial routes. Young Gav and Jori Daragon, brother and sister, attempt to make their fortune. Their supply-runner parents killed in Empress Teta’s final unification wars, Gav and Jori have little left of a meager inheritance. When their ship Starbreaker 12 is damaged on a mapping run, Aarrba the Hutt offers his repair dock on Cinnagar, but he refuses to release the ship until Gav and Jori pay him. Though Aarrba is kind-hearted (for a Hutt), he has already trusted them one time too many. Adding to their misfortunes, the merchant lord Ssk Kahorr suffers financial ruin when he uses one of the brother and sister’s mapped routes – and he takes out a contract for their lives… Meanwhile, the Jedi scholar Odan-Urr is assigned to the Koros system to assist Empress Teta. The unification wars are over, and the seven worlds of her system are poised for prosperity. Odan-Urr becomes a close confidant of another Jedi, Memit Nadill, a personal adviser to the Empress. The two Jedi rescue Gav and Jori from Ssk Kahorr’s assassination attempt. The brother and sister know they are doomed if they stay in Cinnagar. They have only one chance – to steal the Starbreaker 12 in one desperate plunge through hyperspace, hoping to discover a valuable new route no one else has dared to explore. Breaching Aarrba’s defenses, they roar off in their ship, dodging Cinnagar security. Punching random numbers into their navicomputer, they vanish into the unknown…

Next in part #3, “The Fabric of an Empire he Dogs of War”, A thousand years before the Great Sith War and the defeat of Exar Kun, two impetuous young hyperspace explorers, the brother and sister team of Gav and Jori Daragon, launch themselves into the unknown. Fleeing from a chain of bad decisions in the Republic worlds controlled by Empress Teta, they set a distant course at random – and land in the middle of the fabled Sith Empire! Their ship, Starbreaker 12, appears over the mausoleum world of Korriban, where a funeral procession of Sith Lords has come to inter their ruler, the Dark Lord Marka Ragnos. On the steps of a monumental tomb, glimpses of an underlying power struggle appear: two of the most powerful Sith Lords vie for the new title of Dark Lord and control of an empire. Ludo Kressh wishes to follow in the footsteps of his predecessor, to keep the Sith Empire stable and prosperous, not to overextend their resources but to maintain a tight grip on the Sith people, whom they have dominated for millennia. His rival Naga Sadow feels the ancient empire is growing stagnant and needs to extend its boundaries, to conquer new worlds and bring new blood into their grasp. Only moments after the dead Dark Lord is entombed, Sadow and Kressh engage in a vicious duel – but their battle is halted by the spectral image of Marka Ragnos rising from the crypt to warn them that the fate of the entire empire is in their hands. Just then, Gav and Jori land among them, innocent explorers hoping to make their fortunes by establishing trade. But the gathered Sith Lords see the strangers’ arrival as clear evidence of Ragnos’ warning. Gav and Jori are captured, about to become pawns in a power struggle that will span two empires…

Next in part #4, “Pawns of a Sith Lord”, Fleeing from bad decisions in the Empress Teta system, young hyperspace explorers Gav and Jori Daragon fly off into the unknown. Their ship, Starbreaker 12, chooses a random course – a fateful route that takes them to the fabled Sith Empire, where they are captured and held prisoner. Unknowingly, Gav and Jori have landed in the middle of a bitter power struggle between two of the greatest Sith Lords – Naga Sadow and Ludo Kressh. In the Sith council chambers, the Lords argue over what is to be done with the captives. Kressh fears the Starbreaker 12 is the precursor to an invasion, while Sadow sees the two trespassers as keys to a new section of the galaxy ripe for Sith conquest. He feels that if he can unite the squabbling factions against a common enemy, a common goal, then the Sith Empire can rise to new heights of glory. Gav and Jori wait in their cell, sentenced to be executed, despairing . . . not realizing that they have become pawns of a Sith Lord. With his fierce and loyal Massassi warriors, Naga Sadow secretly steals strange Republic weaponry from the impounded Starbreaker 12 and stages a commando raid to free the prisoners, killing a prominent Sith Lord in the process. Sadow whisks Gav and Jori off to his private fortress on the moon of Khar Shian… The Sith Lords are thrown into an uproar, seeing the weapons, the evidence, and assuming they have been attacked by Republic forces. In their turmoil, they turn to Naga Sadow for leadership. Outraged, Ludo Kressh storms off – but Sadow has achieved his greatest desire: he is chosen as the next Dark Lord of the Sith…

Finally in part #5, “The Flight of Starbreaker 12″, In the midst of a bitter struggle in the magnificent Sith Empire, Naga Sadow stages a violent charade – freeing innocent captives Gav and Jori Daragon and secretly whisking them and their ship, Starbreaker 12, off to his private fortress. He then plants evidence to imply that the rescue strike was the precursor to a full-scale invasion from the Republic. Sadow uses the turmoil to seize control of the Empire, proclaiming himself Dark Lord of the Sith. His arch rival, Ludo Kressh, vows never to follow him and storms off, taking his supporters with him. Meanwhile, on the other side of the galaxy, the scholarly Jedi Odan-Urr travels to Coruscant with the Empress Teta and her advisor Memit Nadill. There, they speak of Odan-Urr’s visions about the threat of long-forgotten Sith forces, but – despite the silent concern of the other Jedi Knights in attendance – they are laughed out of the council chambers… Naga Sadow has deeper plans for Gav and Jori. Separating them, he keeps Gav in his main stronghold on the moon Khar Shian while Jori remains in a “decoy” fortress on the main planet Khar Delba. He begins to train Gav as his protégé, teaching him rudimentary Sith magic while Jori broods, anxious to return home with Starbreaker 12. Only the navicomputer of their ship holds the convoluted information on how to find the great Republic. Ludo Kressh, however, discovers Sadow’s trickery and mounts an armed rebellion against the evil Dark Lord, vowing to fight to save the Sith Empire from Sadow’s reckless plans. As Sadow visits Jori in his decoy fortress, Kressh’s warships come in, intent on the toal destruction of the Dark Lord of the Sith…

Trade Paperback reprints/collects: Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi – The Golden Age of the Sith (1996-1997) Issues #0-5.  Dark Horse Comics.

Trade Paperback is bagged & boarded and will be carefully / securely packaged then shipped via USPS Priority Mail to ensure that it arrives to you perfectly and quickly.

First Edition
Publisher: Dark Horse Comics
Publication Date: August 1997
Format: FC, 144 pages, TPB, 10.25″ x 6.75″
ISBN-10: 1569712298
ISBN-13: 9781569712290

Collectible Entertainment note: Trade Paperback is in Fine + to Very Fine condition. (crease on front cover >>  top left) Otherwise… Very Nice!  Please See Scans!!  A must have for any serious Star Wars collector and/or enthusiast.  A fun & entertaining read.  Very Highly Recommended.

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